Hook up with hot gay men at Mockerkin Layby in Cockermouth
  • Mockerkin Layby

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Cockermouth
    • Neighbourhood: Mockerkin
    • Address: A5086
  • Viewed: 121899
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: There are two lay-bys here in close proximity. There is one by the Tarn, which is obvious, and easy to see, and the entrance to the other is immediately next to the Egremont exit of the obvious one. Some guys wait in other lay-by and then can follow you into quiet lay-by if you make them aware.

    There is a small wooded area in the more hidden lay-by that is acceptable at the bottom for action in a covered and hidden place.