Hook up with hot gay men at JD Gym Aintree in Liverpool
  • JD Gym Aintree

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Liverpool
    • Neighbourhood: Netherton
    • Address: 9 Dunnings Bridge Rd
  • Viewed: 6968
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: It's good in the evening - filled with loads of fit lads.

    Guys walk around completely naked in the changing rooms/shower area all the time. Showers are cubicles, so can they fit more than one person, but be careful.

    The sauna is male only, so most wear boxers or just a towel, and lift their towel up to expose if cruising. Occasionally guys undo their towel and sit naked, but not always. It's good to catch someones eye in the sauna and move elsewhere.