Hook up with hot gay men at Old Burial Ground in Manchester
  • Old Burial Ground

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Manchester
    • Neighbourhood: Middleton
    • Address: Cemetery Street
  • Viewed: 55362
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Go to the address stated on the listing, walk into the main gates from the long street (next to the new inn pub), as you get into the burial ground walk to your left, and walk all the way up, youll see a big pointy monument, next to the monument is 2 steps that lead onto another pathway. Hang around there with your hands in your pants. The only good action is at nightfall in that area, guys normally here from 20:00 till 1 am.

    hang around if no one is there, someone will turn up

    hands down your pants as a sign of cruising!!!

    use the pathway next to the monument for sucking / fucking as its got a lot of bushes/coverage & only cruisers will use that pathway at night.

    If you follow the above you will have a successful cruising experience! Dont be scared to enter at nightfall, its safe. There are plenty of exits. Your eyes will adjust to the dark