Hook up with hot gay men at Englemere Pond in Ascot
  • Englemere Pond

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ascot
    • Neighbourhood: Chavey Down
    • Address: 2 Swinley Rd
  • Viewed: 288333
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This is a large nature reserve with a lake, although known as Englemere Pond. Located off Swinley Road and situated next to railway line.
    A lot of the lower hanging branches on the trees were removed in certain areas a few years ago to deter some activities known to be going on. However, some areas have recovered from this coppicing and can be convenient for some activities once again. These areas are located nearer the pond end and closer to the railway line than the car park end. Although if it’s dark, then more or less anywhere off the beaten track.