Hook up with hot gay men at A22 Lay-by in Caterham
  • A22 Lay-by

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Caterham
    • Neighbourhood: Caterham
    • Address: A 22 Caterham Bypass
  • Viewed: 701514
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Only one cubicle in there, and the view point isnt great for people coming in, there is a urinal which is where a lot of fun happens...
    Just be careful as you only really know someone is coming in when they are practically in the door.
    The toilets themselves are now closed, however there is still fun to be had around the back of the block, or on the wooded slope behind. The council have been recently trimmed the trees by the block. It's a busy truck stop too, especially at night.