Hook up with hot gay men at Reading Train Station - Concourse in Reading
  • Reading Train Station - Concourse

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Reading
    • Neighbourhood: Reading
    • Address: Station Approach, Reading
  • Viewed: 262457
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Recently the spy holes have been boarded up by big metal plates. Probably wont ruin the place, but cuts down opportunities for watching. Several cubicles with medium size gaps underneath, just high enough to get your cock under if you lie down. Now that the toilets on platform 4 are no longer any good, these appear to be the next best thing! UPDATE MARCH 12, 2020: Toilets currently closed for a refurb for about 2 weeks.

    Recently the spy holes have been boarded up by big metal plates. Probably wont ruin the place, but cuts down opportunities for watching. Several cubicles with medium size gaps underneath, just high enough to get your cock under if you lie down. Now that the toilets on platform 4 are no longer any good, these appear to be the next best thing!
    Toilets have now been refurbished and reopened.

    The same layout as before but tidied up.
    Still gaps under cubicles, the urinals are now separate instead of a long trough.

    Be careful and discreet in here, however.
    Update May 2024.
    There are now no spy holes in the loos on the main concourse by M&S.
    Be very careful here as folk doing under stall can and have been seen by 'normal' folk and staff alike, remember BTP is next door.
    Platform 7 is no good just a single cubicle and very busy.
    Platform 8/9 has no spy holes now.
    Platform 10/11 is too busy and small for any action.
    Platform 12/13 is a bit quieter between trains but care needs to be taken.
    Platform 14/15 same as 12/13