Hook up with hot gay men at West Quay Shopping Centre in Southampton
  • West Quay Shopping Centre

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Southampton
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 12 Portland Terrace
  • Viewed: 158507
  • Rating: 2 Rating: 2 star 100
  • Description: When you're in West Quay, proceed to the top floor, and to the food terrace. Turn left at the top, and head towards Pizza Hut. The entrance is down the corridor to the right of Pizza Hut. A very cruisy spot. There are also other toilets in West Quay - in the basement near the car park, in John Lewis, in M&S, etc. If you're going to post for West Quay, specify whether you mean the toilets in the food terrace or elsewhere.