Hook up with hot gay men at Meadow Lane (Eton) in Windsor
  • Meadow Lane (Eton)

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Windsor
    • Neighbourhood: Eton
    • Address: Meadow Lane
  • Viewed: 160179
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Cruising happens just after the railway bridge, along the river, if you are walking along the towpath from Eton.

    Walking from Eton along the River toward the bridge, turn right just before crossing (just after the small wooden bench) and then take an immediate left along the small grass/dirt path. The entrance to the cruising location is a few minutes along the grassy path through bushes on the right. There’s another area on the left alongside the stream that is also used.