Hook up with hot gay men at Dunball estate in Bridgwater
  • Dunball estate

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Bridgwater
    • Neighbourhood: Bridgwater
    • Address: 2A Dunball Roundabout
  • Viewed: 21452
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Dunball industrial estate coming off j23 1st left coming off rou about before the admiral's table or landing can't remember which one. Follow the road down until you get to a steep hill bank. Park car in layby bit. You can walk up the hill bank from each end of the hill bank near the end of the road before going back out onto the carriageway if you walk up the side at the top is an empty deserted building you can go into. You can also use the woods and at the end of walking through slightly back up another hill slope.is a small building you can go into. Small hideaway area tucked behind the Layby on the Industrial Estate.
    Path/Track loops behind the layby from one end to the other and goes through a wooded area.
    There is an empty building tucked away as well.