Hook up with hot gay men at A361 Picnic Area in Tiverton
  • A361 Picnic Area

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Tiverton
    • Neighbourhood: Knowstone
    • Address: A 361 Tiverton to Barnstaple Road
  • Viewed: 221426
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Three cabins on the right -- as you walk in, the urinal is on the left. Park where you can see the entrance and just wait until somebody goes in, then just follow, or hang around by the urinals and pretend to pee and when somebody enters, start wanking slowly. There is a cafe that stays open until around 7pm in the summer, so just be aware that families will be using the facilities also at that time. The side from Barnstaple to Tiveryon has a big glory hold in the middle cubicle door.