Hook up with hot gay men at Kingsford Forest Park in Kidderminster
  • Kingsford Forest Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Kidderminster
    • Neighbourhood: Wolverley
    • Address: Kingsford Lane
  • Viewed: 145007
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There is an increased police presence in the area due to complaints of indiscreet sexual activity. There is a public car park with toilets as shown in the picture. Two cubicles and a small shared urinal. Generally be aware this is a popular public facility and well used by walking groups, families and travelers all the year round.
    Directly opposite the car park entrance is a gate leading onto a wooded area. Follow path going forwards for a few minutes then bearing right up the hill until you get to a gated area on your left with a sign warning not to enter. Climb over the fence, walk upwards towards the caves. This is a secluded area where some cruising takes place often when car park and facilities are busy with walkers.