Hook up with hot gay men at Truck Stop - Newton Road in West Bromwich
  • Truck Stop - Newton Road

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: West Bromwich
    • Neighbourhood: Great Barr/ West Bromwich
    • Address: B71
  • Viewed: 881357
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This can be a very good layby, busiest times are when it's dark and you can just park up on the lay-by walk in the entrance, and see if anyone is already in there if not they'll soon come in after you, and action is pretty good here. There are various paths in their wooded area. Some areas are used mainly for guys wanting to meet a guy and go to a more private area for just them please respect that and if they seem uninterested then walk away and find another guy