Hook up with hot gay men at Boating Lake Toilets in Cleethorpes
  • Boating Lake Toilets

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Cleethorpes
    • Neighbourhood: Thrunscoe Area
    • Address: Kings Road
  • Viewed: 54190
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: This toilet is set amongst trees to the left of the Oriental Express restaurant in the boating lake (Thrunscoe Pleasure Grounds) car park. Free parking is available at the KFC or McDonalds or shop car parks opposite.

    Facilities: There a spy hole between end and middle cubicle, have to pay 30p to get in but it's worth it because it gives you warning (good or bad) that someone is coming in.
    The so-called free parking at KFC/McDonalds/shops across Kings Road is only for customers of those outlets. If you're not a customer then you're likely to be billed for parking.