Hook up with hot gay men at Waiatarua Reserve in Auckland
  • Waiatarua Reserve

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Auckland
    • Neighbourhood: Remuera
    • Address: 2 Winstone Drive
  • Viewed: 81177
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: Large wetland park boardering Medowbank, St Johns, Remuera Golf Club & Ellerslie. Main entrance is opposite 6 Grand Drive. There is another car park entrance opposite 165 Abbots Way ( Next to Asplundh 98 Abbots Way). There are also 2 walk in entrances on Abbots Way one opposite 143 and the other opposite 125. Winston Drive is a private Road owned by the Golf club and is some times locked. Take a stroll around here in the day light first to get your baerings.