Hook up with hot gay men at Westshore Beach Toilet Block in Napier
  • Westshore Beach Toilet Block

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Napier
    • Neighbourhood: Westshore
    • Address: Charles Street
  • Viewed: 59149
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are a few trees, room to park up with the toilet block on the right-hand side of the drive entrance. This toilet block has been closed for months and vehicle access has been blocked. You can not get into the toilet so not a cruising area, but a few trees around, but you need to walk there can’t take a vehicle. Not sure it is a cruising area( toilet block) there are toilet blocks 2 of them further up the beach the first one is pretty open next to the playground the second one is probably more suited though is pretty exposed to houses nearby