Hook up with hot gay men at Ngatitoa Domain in Wellington
  • Ngatitoa Domain

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Wellington
    • Neighbourhood: Mana
    • Address: 6H Pascoe Avenue
  • Viewed: 240238
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Ngatitoa is a large park in the northern suburbs of Wellington. There are several playing fields, one small toilet block, several car parks and a few bushy areas to get lost in. This is an alternative venue instead of using the toilets further down on SH1 by the bridge. Some guys travel between the two locations when cruising, but Ngatitoa is more secluded and private, but access is still really easy (so to speak). As of 12/12/19, there was a recliner in the bushes near the carpark.