Hook up with hot gay men at Chapelhall woods in Airdrie
  • Chapelhall woods

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Airdrie
    • Neighbourhood: Chapelhall
    • Address: 140 Gibb St
  • Viewed: 7583
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Quiet woods/walkway.
    Not used much by the general public.
    Lots of foliage for cover and lots of quiet, secluded spots. This backs onto a housing estate on one side and a works yard on the other so this part isn’t very suitable for meets but if you enter the park and take the pathways to the left these lead further away from houses and work yards and are a bit more secluded. Looks like local Ned’s have been using it some dumped rubbish and lots of broken glass about so stay safe and mindful