Hook up with hot gay men at Hulks Road (Cumbernauld) in Cumbernauld
  • Hulks Road (Cumbernauld)

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Cumbernauld
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Hulks Rd
  • Viewed: 401937
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: A narrow country road with a couple of passing places. Quite a bit of tree and bush cover. There is also a walkway halfway up the road on the right. There’s a metal gate but muddy just through the gate but it opens up onto a semi-gravel path. Walk up to the top of this path and the walkway goes on quite a bit tons of trees and bushes with big gaps to find a secluded bit. Ideal for 1 or more to play. after the bridge, there is another area down the first road on the left with access to a wooded area which is also quite well-used.