Hook up with hot gay men at Sycamore Creek in Fountain Hills
  • Sycamore Creek

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Fountain Hills
    • Neighbourhood: Tonto National Forest
    • Address: North Beeline Highway
  • Viewed: 252673
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Sycamore Creek has several natural pools, which are used for skinny dipping. The area attracts mostly men, and has a strong gay presence. Crowds can range from just a few people (or none at all) during the week to twenty on peak weekends.

    The creek gets peak use during spring and fall, since it is often dry in summer. Usually the little water left in the pools in summer is stagnant. Nude swimming and sunbathing are quite common here, but non-nudists sometimes show up too. The canyon is often cruisy. Be sure you take plenty of drinking water with you; it gets extremely hot here.