Hook up with hot gay men at East Los Angeles College E7/Music Building in Monterey Park
  • East Los Angeles College E7/Music Building

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Monterey Park
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 1700 Avenida Cesar Chavez
  • Viewed: 53084
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: The best place to cruise is in the E7 building (top floor).

    The old restroom was remodeled a few years back to prevent cruising. The double doors are no more, the glory hole is gone, the stalls were reduced to two, there are fewer urinals, and a mirror now reflects the whole restroom as you enter. Despite all the anti-cruising features there are still peep holes and there is still action, although less than this restrooms glory days.