Hook up with hot gay men at Gandy Boulevard Bridge in St Petersburg
  • Gandy Boulevard Bridge

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: St Petersburg
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Gandy Boulevard North
  • Viewed: 59902
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Gandy can be tricky and dangerous for cruising. Guys start rolling out not long after sundown weeknights and weekends. Some guys sit in their cars waiting parked on the south beach, others get out and head into the Mangroves and bushes on both the south side, but more so on the north side. When the beach is busy on Saturday and Sunday a lot of guys will wander off into the Mangrove bushes to "pee" or "smoke a joint" but more often than not they're hanging out looking for sex.
    Gandy has greatly improved even with the posts planted to keep vehicles from driving between the mangroves. You can park by the posts and depending on the tides, enjoy yourself on the trails between the open spaces. The entire sandy roadway has been plowed to make driving along the very long stretch easier. Signs warn about protecting the mangroves but the area is NOT posted against day use.