Hook up with hot gay men at Queen's Surf in Honolulu
  • Queen's Surf

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Honolulu
    • Neighbourhood:
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  • Viewed: 29355
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Good swimming. Clean beach. Concession stand and showers. Public cruisy bathrooms. All ages and types. Walk or drive along Kakakaua Ave toward Diamond Head. Keep walking, taking the winding path along the beach, and in less than five minutes and two shower stations later you'll come upon a big shady tree, and a brand new beach pavilion built in the plantation style on your left, and another jetty, and an orange lifeguard tower on your right. On weekends you'll need to know none of this because the boys will be blanket-to-blanket, both on the narrow beach and on the lawn. But during the week, especially before 1pm, straight people generally outnumber gays.