Hook up with hot gay men at Kailua Beach Park in Kaneohe
  • Kailua Beach Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Kaneohe
    • Neighbourhood: Kailua Town
    • Address: 526 Kawailoa Road
  • Viewed: 26626
  • Rating: 1 Rating: 1 star 100
  • Description: People you would never imagine going to a public beach for head will get head there. Some older guys but lots of action but watch for cops on and off the beach. Also some straight couples go there.

    There are 3 parking areas. The largest one (first parking area) has the best bathroom to cruise at and has the lifeguard tower above it on the beach. The next one over (second parking area) has all the canoes housed next to it. There is a bathroom but it’s small and very little privacy. The last one (third parking area) is next to the boat ramp. Both the 2nd & 3rd parking lots are good for car head/sex at night.