Hook up with hot gay men at Kanaha Beach in Maui
  • Kanaha Beach

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Maui
    • Neighbourhood: Kahului
    • Address: Alahao Street
  • Viewed: 61840
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The whole area is wooded and there are lots of places people have made little "honeymoon" rooms out of. Some have even thoughtfully provided pieces of carpet so it is cool to get completely naked and roll around. There is also a little cement building that is close to the road but completely private. The front door is open and can't be closed so you'll not be completely private, but if you aren't into multiples then just turn your back on peakers, they usually get the message. You can get just about whatever you want there too, tops & bottoms, groups are not uncommon. It's not just a suck and j/o place it is a full service fuck stop as well.