Hook up with hot gay men at Home Depot N Halsted St in Chicago
  • Home Depot N Halsted St

  • Website link:
    • City: Chicago
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 2665 N Halsted St
  • Viewed: 71900
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: There are two restrooms upstairs. The one by the appliances/paint section is single-use. I would suggest if you already have plans to meet someone in advance then use this bc they are private bathrooms. If you want to cruise more then head past the paint section and make your way towards the shelving aisle and follow the signs to the restroom. These restrooms are a bit trickier to play in bc there is not much recovery time when somebody walks in. So I suggest to cruise this area, snag a guy and make your way over behind paint into the single/ private restrooms. Just don't make it obvious bc I'm sure the employees have caught on to what goes on here. There are a few employees here that play as well... Just so you know...