Hook up with hot gay men at Romantix in Iowa City
  • Romantix

  • Website link:
    • City: Iowa City
    • Neighbourhood: Airport
    • Address: 315 Kirkwood Avenue
  • Viewed: 178736
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Real dark, stay as long as you want. Gloryholes have been covered up. The inside of the store is really clean and well-lit. The video card system is changed to a passcode# system, with new video screens. Enter your code to play the machines. FF, REW capabilities, now with 100 videos. Still is a $6.00 entry.
    The arcade/cruising area is gone. The entire place is now an adult store for toys, videos, costumes, etc. No more arcade, No more glory holes. No more cruising at this location. It's a damn shame.