Hook up with hot gay men at Circle Cinema in Wichita
  • Circle Cinema

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Wichita
    • Neighbourhood: South Central
    • Address: 2570 South Seneca Street
  • Viewed: 186585
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This is a bookstore with an arcade, and a single straight theater. The arcade uses a ticket/code system. You buy $5 of credit. You go into a booth. You put in the code from the receipt and watch whatever film you like; straight, gay, bi, etc. The Theater is a large round room. It is in very bad shape, the seats are almost all broken. There is a raised section on the left and right as you walk in. The raised section to the right has some more seats. The left is just open space. Most of the cruising is at the back under the "projection booth".