Hook up with hot gay men at Generals Highway Corridor Park in Annapolis
  • Generals Highway Corridor Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Annapolis
    • Neighbourhood: Crownsville
    • Address: 1758 Crownsville Road
  • Viewed: 433923
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Trails in the back of the park surround most of the sporting fields. Park in the rearmost portion of the park. Walk behind the baseball field that is facing the last parking lot (same level). You have to walk to the left of the field and go into the woods behind the baseball field. When you hit the fork, make a left toward the 2 trees that cross the path and walk over the logs. You'll veer on the trail around to the right and be in a completely wooded area. You'll hit another fallen log that ends the trail...

    Alternate entrance... from the parking lot, go from the last parking lot and walk on the path to the nature trail sign to the left. Next fork, make a left crossing the wooden bridge; go up the hill and you'll hit the same fork as above; this time, make a right instead and you'll see the 2 fallen logs blocking the path. You'll veer on the trail around to the right and be in a completely wooded area. You'll hit another fallen log that ends the trail...
    Another hotspot is the woods behind the blue container near the lot.
    Be cautious of observers as there was a security guy walking back there not sure if he was employed or just freelance.