Hook up with hot gay men at Scusset Beach in Bourne
  • Scusset Beach

  • Website link:
    • City: Bourne
    • Neighbourhood: Sagmore
    • Address: Scusset Beach Road
  • Viewed: 64472
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Large parking lot area, with lots of woods. Good area to park is around the snack bar, bathrooms and down near the woods on the far right end from the snack bar, were there is a path from parking lot. There is also the canal path and fishing pier, but overall is very safe and private. Have not seen any police presence, there is a parks dept, who do the trash etc, but there not around much and wont bother you at all, in fact they usually just drive by the parking lot area while heading to the still far away beach which is located at the far end of road, nowhere near the parking lot and entrance booth :) Scusset Beach is a nice place eat your lunch, read the newspaper, or j/o, or get a b/j....