Hook up with hot gay men at Horseneck Beach in Westport Point
  • Horseneck Beach

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Westport Point
    • Neighbourhood: Westport
    • Address: 5 John Reed Road - Route 88
  • Viewed: 21960
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: State-owned public recreation area on 800 acres on the Atlantic ocean. There's plenty of action in the dunes. The beach is in front of the parking lot. Follow the photos in order to get to the traditionally "gay" area of the beach. Down the ramp to the end, take a right until you come to photo 3, take a left, and photo 4 will be on your right with the dunes where play happens being behind this area and the concrete path.