Hook up with hot gay men at Northville Nature Area in Northville
  • Northville Nature Area

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Northville
    • Neighbourhood: South Northville
    • Address: Phoenix Circle Drive
  • Viewed: 147237
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: The entrance is on the east side of Northville Road, between Five Mile East and Five Mile Road West and just south of the rail road bridge. You can't see the area from the road, it is up a hill. Park along the side of the circle drive. This is a small, obscure nature area with a sign that says Northville at the entrance. It is a dirt road that circles around back to the entrance. On a map it is called Phoenix Circle Drive. There are several trails down into the woods. On one side they lead to a pond and Phoenix Lake is further south down the trail.