Hook up with hot gay men at Pleasure Zone Adult Bookstore in Brick
  • Pleasure Zone Adult Bookstore

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Brick
    • Neighbourhood: Bricktown
    • Address: 235 Chambersbridge Road
  • Viewed: 659822
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This place is open and is a great safe place for hookups. There are 3 large private booths, some can fit 5 to 7 people at a time. No one bothers you as long as you feed the machines. The booths have no doors, but most have maze-like entrances so some level of privacy can be had. There are buddy windows that no one uses. Now requires $5 in tokens and you get a wristband. Once you have the band they don't seem to care how long you stay.