Hook up with hot gay men at Potter's Falls in Ithaca
  • Potter's Falls

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Ithaca
    • Neighbourhood: 6 Mile Creek
    • Address: 1538 Slaterville Rd
  • Viewed: 1743
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Walk down the access road to the reservoir off Slaterville Rd. At the reservoir, take the trail past the pump house down along the gorge edge, walking across a few small falls. The narrow gorge trail winds and bends. Eventually you will reach the cliff above Potter's Falls. Many swim here, occasionally nude. Follow the trail down towards the swimming area, but keep right when the trail branches and follow the path through the woods. The river bends to make a second pool area. Slightly further down the trail is access to flat rocky area where nudists and cruisers hang out.
    The flat rock area gets good sun, and it next to a shallower pool area. Quiet and secluded and not easily visible from the main path.