Hook up with hot gay men at Northway Rest Area in Schroon Lake
  • Northway Rest Area

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Schroon Lake
    • Neighbourhood: Elizabethtown
    • Address: Interstate 87
  • Viewed: 10566
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This is a recently closed rest area on the northbound side of Interstate 87 between Exits 30 and 31. It is now a picnic area. There is plenty of area to play out of sight. The west side of the area backs up against a rural Essex County road on the other side of the tree line.

    Facilities: is is a parking area type rest stop with no facilities. It has a large green space with picnic tables and is a fine spot to stop over for a lunch or dinner break. The west side of the area backs up against Lincoln Pond Road and there are several ways to enter from the back side. There is a break in the fence between the horse and road T sign and then you can enter on the southern end from an old access road across from Kingdom Dam Rd. There is a small parking area off Lincoln Pond Road but I suspect the cops look to see who is parked there. Kingdom Dam Road as a few pull offs that are good to park in and a 1/4 mile walk gets you to the area via the old access road. Obviously you can just go to the rest area off the interstate as well.