Hook up with hot gay men at Amazing intimate Essentials - River Street in Troy
  • Amazing intimate Essentials - River Street

  • Website link:
    • City: Troy
    • Neighbourhood: City
    • Address: 516 River Street
  • Viewed: 242073
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: Effective nid-December 2019, they had a new system installed. No more $5 coupons accepted. (Maybe if you travel out of the area you'll stumble on a business that uses them).

    The cover still $12, which gets you 48 credits. Get a register receipt if you'd like to leave & return the same day. This is a store policy, unlikely offered at other Amazing locations.

    Your new ticket for the video room will have a 6 digit PIN. Credits on the PIN are supposed to remain active for up to 30-days. If you bring your PIN from another visit within that time, you can add to any remaining credits.

    The booths will also accept bills & credit/debit cards.

    While it may not yet be operational, the ability to interact with live online models will be available.

    The booths with magic windows can be operated. You can start & stop movies, adjust volume & FF & rewind. State of the art streaming selection of hundreds of movies.

    The parking lot is available.