Hook up with hot gay men at Jordan Lake State Park in Apex
  • Jordan Lake State Park

  • Website link:
    • City: Apex
    • Neighbourhood: Apex
    • Address: 280 State Park Road
  • Viewed: 316484
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: You will be doing a lot of walking. There are tons of trails, open areas, swimming (skinny dipping). It is very wooded. There is an old tobacco barn. You need to park in the Dove Field Parking lot, one with the orange gate. right beside the information signs is a fence with a chain stretched across it with a small trail. Follow that trail back approximately 200 yards. When you get back 200 yards approx. there will be a brown trail marker at a fork in the path. Stop there and immediately to the left about 70 yards in the woods you will find the old barn. I doubt you will see it from the trail but once back about 20 yards you'll begin to see it. You'll also see some remnants of the old building that burned down a few years back. The tobacco barn sits 20 feet from it. So they closed access to the parking lot across from the General Store. There have always been two access points for this location and the second one is still open. So from Craig's General Store you need to go North on Highway 751 about 3/4 a mile. Alongside the road before the bridges are parking along the road. You enter the trails there. As you go along you will cross the dam of the pond. Immediately on the other side the trail splits. Left takes you up to the parking lot, right takes you down to the shore where visitors go and straight takes you on around the shoreline to where fun is.