Hook up with hot gay men at Carowinds in Charlotte
  • Carowinds

  • Website link:
    • City: Charlotte
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: Carowinds Boulevard
  • Viewed: 29036
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: A few of the restrooms around the amusement park have urinals with no dividers that can be used for very easy cruising. Also, the water park area changing / shower room is enclosed with multi-man shower heads facing each other on a center pole for easy cruising. The first men's changing room as you enter the water park area. Also on some of the older rides that don't get many riders can cruise the attractive male attendants i.e. Carolina Cyclone.

    ***Update: All urinals now have dividers, and locker room showers are all stalls with no curtains. The best restroom for cruising is near the pirate ship (southern star). That side of the park barely sees anyone, and the men’s restroom back there has good cover. There’s a doorway in the back part of the restroom that provides a bit of cover for understall play. Use the last few stalls in the back if you’re looking for play. Stop playing as soon as you hear someone enter as it may be someone coming to clean the restroom.