Hook up with hot gay men at Richland Creek Trail (Capital Area Greenway) in Raleigh
  • Richland Creek Trail (Capital Area Greenway)

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Raleigh
    • Neighbourhood: West Raleigh - PNC Arena
    • Address: Richland Creek Trail
  • Viewed: 157172
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Very seldom used part of the Greenway system. Very private and discreet. Men usually head onto the trail in search of random encounters, usually in the Wade Ave tunnel. It's obvious who is cruising by their clothing: If they're not dressed for a run on the trail, they're looking for fun.
    Lately, more action happens on the trail itself than in the tunnel. Walk along the trail until you come across another cruiser.