Hook up with hot gay men at Wooster Memorial Park in Wooster
  • Wooster Memorial Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Wooster
    • Neighbourhood: Wooster
    • Address: 5197 Silver Road
  • Viewed: 70338
  • Rating: 1 Rating: 1 star 100
  • Description: The front area is what you see when you get off US 250. Continue on road to the west and look for nature center entrance on right. Nature center has a large parking area. There's better cover for action at the nature center. However, the gate to the Nature center is often closed. Instead, walk down the main trail and go to the right at the split and walk the path back there. You will see where the picnic pavilion used to be. Guys go down to the big trees at the back of the area and hang out there on the big fallen logs.