Hook up with hot gay men at Hillside Campgrounds in Gibson
  • Hillside Campgrounds

  • Website link:
    • City: Gibson
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 948 Creek Road
  • Viewed: 89311
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Hillside Campgrounds is a gay male clothing-optional camp in the Hillside of PA. Membership is $4 per season with day campers paying either $5 or $8 per day to stay from 10 a.m., time office opens, until dark on weekdays and 2 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays on holiday weekends. The weekend disco ends at 2 a.m. Camping sites are very reasonable. Modern facilities. The camp is open from early May until the end of September. Weekends have themes. The camp has more than 200 acres with three miles of roadways inside the gate. Plenty of parking in the front parking lot for day campers. Just register at the office and you are free to enjoy yourself. Pool, volleyball, lots of campsites, snack bar, showers, etc. Update on rates as per website : membership is $15.00/season; day pass is $7.00, Monday-Thursday, 10:00-6:00; $15.00, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am - 2:00 am; Holidays, $15.00,10:00am - 2:00 am
    2021 Pricing Updates!!!!
    Annual Membership is $20.00 per person and the info below is for day camper pricing, days, and timeframes all info verified via the website.


    Weekends (Fri-Sun)
    10:00am-2:00am (close of bonfire)

    Holiday Weekends/Weekdays
    Memorial Day/4th of July/Labor Day
    10:00am-2:00am (close of bonfire)

    Special Event Weekends