Hook up with hot gay men at Pearson Hall in Philadelphia
  • Pearson Hall

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Philadelphia
    • Neighbourhood: Temple University
    • Address: 1800 North Broad Street
  • Viewed: 17346
  • Rating: 5 Rating: 5 star 100
  • Description: This spot is not at Temple's main gym, it's Pearson Hall (this is the building for athletic classes, and for the pool). The locker room in the basement has a large, open shower you have to pass through to get to the pool. It couldn't be better set-up for cruising, and the whole locker room has tons of echo, so if you're getting it on with a guy, you can always hear if someone's coming well in advance.

    Facilities: Clean and well lit. The gym is only open to students, it not a public facility.