Hook up with hot gay men at Valley Green in Philadelphia
  • Valley Green

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Philadelphia
    • Neighbourhood: Valley Green
    • Address: Henry Avenue and Wises Mill Road
  • Viewed: 126541
  • Rating: 3 Rating: 3 star 100
  • Description: This is a great area of the park for bike riding, walking, relaxing, and cruising. On a day with nice weather, it is populated with all types of people, so you must use discretion and common sense when playing around or cruising for a playmate. This location is open, yet with a multitude of secluded spots that provide more safety and opportunity for discreet, adventurous encounters.
    If Valley Green area, at Wises Mill Rd is too busy, go to Henry Ave and Livezy Lane to Pachella Fields. This area provides for more direct yet discreet hook-ups. Drive down past the Pavilion to the lower lot, hang out right there till you make contact with a guy, then walk 3 minutes into the woods down the path, where you then can have some uninhibited fun in a safe outdoor location.