Hook up with hot gay men at Rosebrock Park in Summerville
  • Rosebrock Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Summerville
    • Neighbourhood: Bacons and Beech Hill
    • Address: 2758 Bacons Bridge Road
  • Viewed: 78922
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Wooded area of this park. Plenty of trails to take things further. Easy access, free parking. The trails go way back into the woods, all the way to the creek. There are 2 trails here, one that branches left and runs parallel to access road and another that runs to the river (0.8 miles) and has a loop at the end. Most of underbrush has been cleared away but traffic is not very heavy. A toilet block with separate male/female restrooms has been built at the far end of the parking lot. The men's room had one toilet, one sink, and an air blower to dry your hands. There is a deadbolt lock on the door, for your privacy. There is also water fountain between the two restrooms.
    They are planning to put a playground in.