Hook up with hot gay men at Cinema One in Chattanooga
  • Cinema One

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Chattanooga
    • Neighbourhood:
    • Address: 4100 Rossville Boulevard
  • Viewed: 340006
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Description: It's a decently clean place with a SUPER friendly staff. The entry fee plus the membership fee for the first time totals $20 and then it is $17. For an extra $5 you can purchase an in/out all-day pass. A membership card is good for a year. Couples are charged only a single $17 admission fee.
    There are two theatres plus an arcade. You first enter the original theatre with three rows of theatre seats, the main aisle, and then about 8 rows of seats up to the front with aisles on either side. Walking through the main theatre there is a couples-only theatre that is kept closed off except for when couples are present. there are windows between the main and couple's theatre with sheer curtains that some couples may pull to the side for better viewing. The couple's theatre plays an HD straight video on a large monitor at the front of the room.
    The entry fee covers the theater and arcade with the arcade continuously running a single film in each booth. No doors on the booths or glory holes between booths. The arcade is accessed directly from the main hallway serving the theater, smoking room, and arcade. The movie in the main theatre runs for anywhere from 1 - 4 hours before repeating. Effective July 2021, they are showing straight movies Friday through Monday, gay movies on Tuesday & Wednesday, and bi-sexual movies on Thursdays. There is a smoker's lounge at the end of the main hallway as well as a "quiet" lounge area on the far side of the booth area. There are no private viewing booths.