Hook up with hot gay men at Gallaher Road Boat Ramp in Knoxville
  • Gallaher Road Boat Ramp

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Knoxville
    • Neighbourhood: Kingston/Oak Ridge
    • Address: Gallaher Road
  • Viewed: 38870
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Cruisy area. Very private. It's an open gravel parking lot. Any one here is in full view of any one else here. There are woods, but not really any trails.
    This is about the best place around for quick encounters. It's too remote to have a lot of activity but that may be the reason it's patrolled only once or twice a day.

    Car tires on the gravel driveway are noisy and give you at least 15 seconds warning before the intruder can possibly see you. Only the one entrance. The approach by foot is impossible. Observation from a distance or from the river nearly impossible in the summer when the leaves are on, only from the road across the river when leaves are down.

    The only threat is the few houses that front the road on the way in. If those folks ever became irritated and started calling the sheriff then it could be a problem. Happened years ago, I think, when teenagers were back there partying all the time. Been quiet since.

    The best times are between 10 am and 2 pm... after the boaters have launched and before they return. I think it's deserted at night, mostly because of the lack of debris... no used rubbers, kleenex, drink cups, etc. on the ground.