Hook up with hot gay men at Mary Moore Searight Park in Austin
  • Mary Moore Searight Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Austin
    • Neighbourhood: South Austin
    • Address: 907 West Slaughter Lane
  • Viewed: 129161
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: The trails directly behind the last(smaller) picnic/bbq area. These are actual trails, not just haphazard clearing of brush. The start of the path begins off the west side of the picnic/gathering slab while there are various access points throughout the edge of the shrubs all the way past the volleyball courts. These access points are exposed for everyone to see as they open to a wide field as oppose to the start of the trail that is hidden behind structure.

    It is a great location with the water on one side and the field on the other, making the area separate from other activities. You do not have to work around disk golfers, parents with children, the dog park or the extensive trails on the other side of the creek.