Hook up with hot gay men at Garrison Park in Austin
  • Garrison Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Austin
    • Neighbourhood: South
    • Address: 6001 Manchaca Road
  • Viewed: 147334
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: Most action goes on at the free-standing public toilets at the far end of the park. It’s a small mens room with two urinals and one stall. Pretty typical for cruising. Either go into the toilet and run into someone or wait in your car and follow someone in. Some guys head down the trail around the ball field for privacy if they find something they like. Quick action mostly.
    Trails on the southeast side, If you walk out the front of the cruisey bathroom look to the far right side of the ball fields/parking lot towards the woods, look for the secluded trails. Tons of action there and at the bathrooms too.