Hook up with hot gay men at Spring Creek Preserve in Garland
  • Spring Creek Preserve

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Garland
    • Neighbourhood: South of George Bush Turnpike
    • Address: 1770 Holford Road
  • Viewed: 332458
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: There are two parks; one on the north end of Holford Rd. and one at the south end. Plenty of trails and places to go into the bushes. Very private. The portapotty has been replaced and the new one does not have a Gloryhole. If you follow the little trail straight back there is a big tree with a limb growing sideways about 3' off the ground very secluded and a little to the left of that a big flat rock with a 2' drop to a ledge behind it both are great places to play.