Hook up with hot gay men at Edgewater Park in Houston
  • Edgewater Park

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Houston
    • Neighbourhood: Hwy 59 Bridge Edgewater Park
    • Address: 237 Eastex Freeway Service Rd.
  • Viewed: 7863
  • Rating: 0 Rating: 0 star 100
  • Description: Kingwood side of Hwy 59 Bridge: Take Hwy 59 North from Houston, 1 exit north of Humble. Take "Townsend Blvd Loop 494" exit, stay on feeder 1 mile and cross bridge, take 1st right after bridge on Hamblen Rd. Go down Hamblen 1/4 mile. Turn right into "Edgewater Park". The turn is just before the railroad tracks. Look for old sign. Follow dirt road into the park. There isa $5 fee. Cross street: Townsend Blvd Exit off Hwy 59 North.