Hook up with hot gay men at Rest Stop Highway 80 in Quitman
  • Rest Stop Highway 80

  • Website link: No website link provided
    • City: Quitman
    • Neighbourhood: Mineola
    • Address: 3010 U.S. Highway 80
  • Viewed: 8227
  • Rating: 4 Rating: 4 star 100
  • Description: WPA Era Picnic / Rest Stop with a few concrete picnic tables but of interest to Squirt.org members are the trails on the west end of the park and the area at the back of the park that drops down about six feet to the rail road tracks where you can disappear from the public but still see people that might want to hookup or interfere with our activates. You’re exposed to passing trains but have a couple of minutes warning before they can see you.